Heather's Heart

This is where I get to share my heart as part of Dowling Family Ministries, Inc. Being a Mama is ALL I've ever wanted to be and here is where I'm choosing to share about it! Come along with me. We can share in joys, tears, successes and fears.....it's gonna be goooood! :)

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Dreams? What dreams?

     Sunday, our Pastor was talking about not giving up on the prophetic words God had given each of us. But, the problem I'm having is that I can't even remember the Words the Lord has given us! I use to dream about the promises the Lord had given us, I could see them, feel them, BELIEVE them. 
     So, onto what Pastor was saying... He gave us four things to do with the promises the Lord had given us:

1. Receive it - Matt 10: 41,42

2. Believe it - Hab 2: 1-3

3. Contend for it - 1 Tim 1: 18-20

4. Declare it - Psalms 62: 11

(If you would like all the "sermon" notes, let me know and I can get them to you)

    I have focused for so long on mere provision, basic finances/needs to live, that I have lost the dreams God placed in my heart! Aaahhhhh! Ok, enough whining! haha
     Now all I need to do is search out the random pieces of paper I wrote tons of different words from the Lord on, pray for Holy Spirit to remind me of the others aaaand get serious about this!!!!
     Father, I choose to believe your words, your promises, your voice. You are the author and finisher of my faith and I know you have this under control....Please hold on tight to me, Jesus! I love you :)

*Enjoying a simple cup of black tea.....sometimes life NEEDS to be simple, even if just for tea time!*